
Stay up-to-date on all things Chicago MQG. Here’s where you’ll find event announcements, meeting recaps, contests and more.


First Guild Retreat

The first guild retreat was an amazing weekend of sewing, chatting, building friendships, and fun. Fifteen guild members retreated together to the Siena Center in Racine Wisconsin which was such

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We are SO connected

Where does one start with the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild?  Of course there’s this blog.  If you’re reading this, then know it exists. Have you see us on Facebook? Seach

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Meet the Members – Donna

1. Tell us about you  I’m a retired HS English teacher. I’ve been quilting since 1985 and am becoming increasingly passionate about what I do.  I maintain a website –

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Project Quilting Season 2

Season 2 of Project Quilting has begun over at Kim’s Crafty Apple.  Guild members Ebony and Karen participated last season.  They not only created some fabulous projects and won some

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January DEMO DAY Sign Up Open

It’s that time again! Please sign up for our January DEMO DAY by taking the survey below: Demo Day Sign UpYour schedule will be generated for you and available the

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Meeting Dates for 2011

Here are the meeting dates for 2011: January 23February 27March 20April 17May 15June 12July 17August 21September 18October 16November 13 Meetings are at Building 4, Park District of Forest Park, Harrison

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Project Quilting Season 2 Announced

Kim’s Crafty Apple has announced the schedule for Season 2 of Project Quilting.  See Kim’s blog at for the schedule of challenges.  I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone

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Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna