
Stay up-to-date on all things Chicago MQG. Here’s where you’ll find event announcements, meeting recaps, contests and more.


June Meeting Preview

Join us for a Saturday Sew-In! Sew-Ins are always a great time to be social and get some sewing done. Bring your machine, supplies, and your wip’s. We will have

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May 2019 Meeting Recap

We had the pleasure of hosting Quilt and Fabric Designer Libs Elliot from Toronto, Canada for the weekend.  On Saturday , many members and friends Embraced the Cachous in an

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April Meeting Recap

 Many members braved the April 14 snowstorm to compete in the CMQG Quilt Olympics!  We split into three teams and competed in four categories.  We enjoyed guess the fabric designer

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March 2019 Meeting Recap

At our March meeting we welcomed Joe Cunningham, also known as Joe the Quilter.  He began making quilts in 1979 after a career in music (he even brought his guitar

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February 2019 Meeting Recap

Nearly 30 members attended our charity sew-in on a snowy Sunday for Project Night Night, held in Elmhurst. If you want to participate in that charity effort and were unable to

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January 2019 Meeting Recap

This month we held our annual Member Mini Trunk Show, coordinated by Holly Harper.  We viewed and learned about creations from Shannon Dangerfield, Sarah Evans, Laura McDowell Hopper, Jennifer Lowe

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Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna