On the Blog: August Meeting – Summer Potluck Social, A2 Swap Quilts Due
Please join us for our August meeting and Summer Potluck Social! August 16, 2-5 pm at Rush Oak Park Hospital 2nd Floor Centennial Room 520 S. Maple Ave. Oak Park, IL 60304
Stay up-to-date on all things Chicago MQG. Here’s where you’ll find event announcements, meeting recaps, contests and more.
Please join us for our August meeting and Summer Potluck Social! August 16, 2-5 pm at Rush Oak Park Hospital 2nd Floor Centennial Room 520 S. Maple Ave. Oak Park, IL 60304
Quick update all! Chicago Modern Quilt Guild is now on Instagram (@ChicagoMQG) and Twitter (@Chicago_MQG) If you subscribe to either/both of these social media forums, make sure to follow along
At our July 2015 meeting we encouraged folks to “get their curve on” through demos of three different techniques. We also want you to find what works for you, make
***If you are in search of the Retreat Information post, please click {here}. ***Below are some pics from June’s sew-in – more info on the day can be found {here}.
It’s retreat registration time!The Venue: image courtesy of Siena Retreat Center The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild holds a bi-annual retreat (Spring and Fall) each year, and the last several years
Ready to get curvy?July’s meeting will work to get us inspired and worry less about sewing and working with curves!A few of our very talented members will be showcasing different
Have you all seen this?Our QuiltCon 2015 charity quilt was recently featured on the Modern Quilt Guild’s blog: image courtesy of the Modern Quilt Guild We had a total of
image courtesy of QuiltCon.com Just a quick reminder for all whom are planning on attending QuiltCon 2016 in Pasadena, California (February 18-21, 2016):Registration starts on June 25. Members will receive
Just a quick reminder that: June’s meeting is a sew-in, and will be held on June 28 at 12-5pm and will be located, one time only, at:Chicago Party Animals Loft Venue1133
Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna