Announcing the October Meeting: Demo Day!
The October meeting is a Demo Day! We’ll have several of our own talented members sharing demos on the following exciting topics! Improv. curved piecing inspired by Sherri Lynn Wood
Stay up-to-date on all things Chicago MQG. Here’s where you’ll find event announcements, meeting recaps, contests and more.
The October meeting is a Demo Day! We’ll have several of our own talented members sharing demos on the following exciting topics! Improv. curved piecing inspired by Sherri Lynn Wood
“My quilts take off, and I don’t know where they’ll go….” Our guild was lucky enough to have quilt artist Jane Sassaman speak at the September meeting. Jane is
We are delighted to welcome Jane Sassaman as our guest speaker for our September guild meeting. Sun Sep 15, 2013, 2–5 pm, 500 Hannah St, Forest Park, IL. RSVP on BigTent Suns
Winners were announced at the meeting today and received a certificate. Those winners not in attendance have been notified also. Judges received a photograph of the quilt as well as
August’s guild meeting was spent sewing away – working on our group charity projects for our Sew-to-serve charity, Teen Living. As Holly says, “Teen Living’s goal is to help homeless
Spring entries Last month’s guild meeting was focused on sharing the gorgeous quilts made for our Calender Challenge. These quilts will be used to put together a calender of our
The lottery for our fall retreat will be held at next week’s meeting, so if you’re hoping to go to the retreat (October 11-13) be sure to bring your full
Good news – our meeting place – St Peter’s Church has sold, and our meetings have been grandfathered in with the new owners. This means there won’t be much change
15 Minutes of Play A workshop with Victoria Findlay Wolfe Victoria highlights her “made fabrics” in this contemporary twist on hexagons. The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild hosted QuiltCon 2013 Best-In-Show
Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna