Winter Gift Swap

October 23, 2014

We’ll be having a guild swap at the December guild meeting.

We were lucky enough to have three great demos at our October guild meeting. These demo’d projects will hopefully inspire you to try one yourself! We have the perfect reason to try one of these projects, a guild swap!
If you missed the demos, here’s a quick recap:
Erika – Patchwork scarves (available on the Chicago MQG forums, under “files”)
Erin – Notebook cover (available on the Chicago MQG forums, under “files”)
Emily – Noodlehead Open Wide Pouch (tutorial, size chart, perfect zipper tab tutorial)
We hope you’re excited to try one of these quick projects – because we’re having a swap at our December meeting!

Who: Any Chicago MQG guild member who would like to play along
What: A small sewn item (you are encouraged to make one of the items demo’d at our October meeting: Patchwork scarf, Notebook cover, Open wide zippered pouch).
When: The swap will take place at our December 7th meeting.
additional info:
  • To make it easier, please don’t use holiday themed fabrics… we don’t all celebrate the same holidays. Make something enjoyable by any / all guild members. 
  • Please do not include any “extras” with your swap item.
  • One swap per person, no doubling up like we have done in the past.
  • Work to the best of your ability, but know that there is no quilt police here – the person who receives your swap will not be critiquing it. 
  • Bring your wrapped swap item to the December meeting.

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna