Hi all,
just some small updates to the blog to take note of.
1) if you would like, you can now subscribe to the blog by email. You will receive each post in your inbox (circled in red, image above).
2) if you used the link previously located in the right sidebar to log in to the CMQG Modern Quilt Guild Community/Forums, it looks a little different now (circled in orange, image above). You will also note that we now have little hexie Facebook, Bloglovin’, Flickr, and Email buttons.
3) the right sidebar now contains a mini-calendar of events (circled in blue, image above). Each meeting will be listed in the calendar, as well as special dates (like retreats, speakers, workshops, etc.). Just click on the ‘Month’ drop down, use the arrows to scroll to the month in question, then click anywhere in the pop-up month to view that month in the blog sidebar. I’m in the process of updating the calendar, all dates might not be in yet.
As always, let me know if you’d like to see any other improvements on the blog/social media side of the Guild, and I’ll see what I can do!