Retreat Projects – Great and Small, Part I

March 26, 2012

Here’s a picture-heavy post of some of the fabulous fabricliciousness from the March Retreat at Siene Center:

Karen’s Ticker-Tape project

Holly’s Kona Greens and Neutrals

Jen S’s bias binding

A glimpse of Jen, Mimi, Erika, and Elaine in our bright big retreat room

Charity quilts from the Fall 2011 retreat ready to be presented to Sister Dolores

Sarah S’s Wonky Stars in process

Tricia using the design “wall” for her project

Eileen’s penchant for hexagonal things, like mug rugs. Or was this one of Erika’s blocks?

Emily the Speed Demon doing the small-piecing thing

Rachel quilting her manly “woven” Rail Fence

Look for Part II tomorrow!

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna