On the Blog: We want your opinion! Complete the CMQG member survey today!

April 12, 2016

Yup, it’s that time of year.  Time to make our guild better and stronger than ever by giving us your input and completing the member survey {click HERE to open the survey}!

We’re asking for some basic information about you, as well as your thoughts and opinions about future programming.  Let us know what skills and talents you can bring to the guild, your ideas for future meeting topics, including names of speakers and teachers you’d like us to bring in.  We’re wondering if you’d be interested in sharing information for a guild directory, what tutorials, techniques and demonstrations you’d like to see, and which extra activities and challenges you’re interested in participating in.

We value our members’ input and will use the survey to determine programming for the rest of the 2016 calendar year and into 2017!  It really shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to fill out the form.

Please complete the form between now and next Tuesday (April 19).  And thank you for your time and ideas!

Questions about the survey?

Contact us {here  photo Email Purple_zpswvuepttw.png } over email.

– written by Amy Struckmeyer
– edited and posted by Erin Davis

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna