On the Blog: The CMQG Library!

November 3, 2015

The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild was recently the beneficiary of a wonderful gift from Susanne Woods the Publisher and Founder of Lucky Spool Media (and a member of the Board of Directors of the Modern Quilt Guild). She offered a library of books from her company to large Modern Quilt Guilds in good standing, and we took her up on it!

This Lucky Spool heavy library (other new and like new books are welcome to join them from donations from members-heck from non-members too!) is available for Chicago Modern Quilt Guild members to checkout following the guidelines laid out below.

Library Rules:
  • All books joining the library must be brand new or like new (meaning all patterns, pieces, and pages intact and in good condition)
  • Since the library is being carried to and from meetings, it will not be too big to fit in the library crate, so once it gains that size, books with very few check-outs will be retired and given away.
  • If a book goes too long without being checked out, it may also be retired and given away.
  • All library business will be conducted on Guild meeting days before, during, and right after meetings.
  • Each check out lasts the duration between one meeting and the next.
  • To check out a book you will be required to provide your name and email address.
  • If a book is already checked out, a waiting list will begin for that book (but if you are not present at a meeting, the next person on the list may check it out at that meeting).
  • The librarian may send reminder emails prior to meetings as a reminder to return the book to the meeting.
  • If you lose or seriously damage a guild library book, you may be responsible for replacing the book.
  • When making a project from a guild library book, please insure that all pages and pattern pieces or pull outs remain intact by copying or tracing the pieces that you would need.

Library Suggestions:

  • If you engage in social media and post projects made from these books, please tag or otherwise hat tip the author and (if possible) the publisher (especially Lucky Spool Media!).
  • If you liked the book, please write reviews or rate the book on websites like Amazon.

In the coming weeks and months we will post pics of each book in the guild instagram feed with the hashtag #ChicagoMQGLibrary so members on instagram may easily search the library (and we will add notations if the book gets retired).

In the meantime, all the books in the library will be added to this post (and marked retired if applicable). Each book listed below has a live link to a webpage about the book.

Alison Glass Applique by Alison Glass
School of Sewing by Shea Henderson
Scraps, Inc compiled by Susanne Woods
Savor Each Stitch by Carolyn Friedlander
Simply Color Red by Vanessa Christenson
Simply Color Orange by Vanessa Christenson
Simply Color Yellow by Vanessa Christenson
Modern Quilt Perspectives by Thomas Knauer
Quilt Talk by Sam Hunter

For further information, please see Heather Kinion, our Librarian elect, at our next meeting!

– Written by Heather Kinion
– Posted by Erin Davis

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna