We will also feature a digital presentation and walk-through of how to be sure you are up and running on the Chicago Modern Quilt Guilds group and forums on the Modern Quilt Guild’s Community website. This will be especially important if you wish to sign up for the Latifah Saafir workshop as the sign-ups are first come, first serve and online only! You will only be able to access the link when it goes live (on Saturday, May 21st at 10am) if you are properly registered as a member of our guild and group. If you have a device (smart phone, tablet, etc) that you use and you aren’t already signed up and working, please feel free to bring it into the meeting as some of the board members will be there to help make sure you are connected! You can also review our blog post about it here: http:// thechicagomodernquiltguild. blogspot.com/2014/02/mqg- website-chicago-mqg-how-to- stay-in.html
Beyond the program, Dianne will be collecting the quilts accepted for our guild show at the University of Chicago Medical Center, so if you got an email accepting your quilt, don’t forget to put on a hanging sleeve and bring it in!!
We will also have our Medallion sew-along progress show and tell, and we encourage everyone to bring their’s in whether you are all caught up or working at your own pace.
Plus regular show and tell! And if you have a book checked out from the guild library, be sure to return it to our guild librarian Emily Handley.
Meeting details:
Sunday, May 15 @ 2:00pm
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave
Oak Park, Il 60304
Hope to see you there!