On the Blog: April Meeting Recap and Lecture!

April 23, 2016
We hosted the fabulous Sarah Nishiura for her lecture on “Community and Quilting”! Sarah’s lecture had lots of great pictures of historical moments in quilting (including signature quilts from the last two centuries, the AIDS quilt, and a wonderful American Bicentennial quilt that included moments of national struggle) and busted romantic myths about the American Quilter at home with her scraps. Her perspective on quilting history and the history of community quilts shed new light on the way American women (and some men) have been quilting for generations and the ways and reasons they came together to do it. It was a wonderful presentation to see and to watch surrounded by members of our own quilting community. 

The April meeting marks the transition of Board Members. Our Past President, Donna Moscinski (left), graciously distributed gifts to the 2015 Board Members on behalf of the guild. Job well done!!!!!

Members, Holly Harper (left) and Sarah Shulman (right), discussed our Medallion Quilt Along. This is a year long project with a new border (or two) being added each month. To get more information, click on the “Medallion Quilt Along” button found on the right side bar.

We then ended the meeting with some Show and Tell.  Refer to our guilds Instagram account (@chicagomqg or click on the “On Instagram” picture in the right side bar) to see some amazing quilts made by our members.


Announcements from today’s meeting:
  • Riley Blake Challenge deadline is Tuesday, May 31.
  • UIC Healing Art Show deadlines is Friday, April 22. Submissions are open to all members and a link can be found on the Chicago community page in the MQG Forum.
  • The guild will be hosting Latifah Saafir for a workshop and lecture on Saturday, July 16. Workshop registration will occur as follow. Please read as this process has changed!!!
    • Registration will be open to all CMQG members on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS. This is a departure from our current lottery process.
    • Workshop seats will become available on Saturday, May 21st at 9:00 am CDT. At this time, a link will be provided on the Chicago community page in the MQG Forum.
    • Payment for this workshop is via credit card / paypal ONLY at required at the time of registration.
    • Once all seats have been filled a wait list will be started. You will not be charged for the workshop until you are confirmed.
    • If the workshop is not filled by the June meeting, registration will be open to non-members.
    • If you cancel before July 9th, you will receive a 100% refund if we are able to fill your seat via the wait list.
    • More information will be provided at the May meeting included a demo on how to access the MQG Forum site.
  • Programming Chairperson (Laura Hartrich) and Special Events Chairperson (Heather Kinion) will be conducting a Programming Meeting on Sunday, April 24. More information including time and location can be found on the Chicago community page in the MQG forum.
  • Special Events Chairperson (Heather Kinion) has asked for 2 -3 members to volunteer to coordinate the making of a charity quilt for QuiltCon 2017. If you are interested please contact Heather at chicagomodernqg@gmail.com.
  • Special Events Chairperson (Heather Kinion) is looking for venues to host workshops and sew-ins. If you know of any churches, synagogues, libraries, community centers, etc… in your area, please contact Heather atchicagomodernqg@gmail.com with any leads.

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Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna