October Meeting and a Survey

October 17, 2011

Our October meeting is next Sunday, October 23rd.  We will be making Mors bags with Donna.  See Bigtent to RSVP.  This is very important as Donna will be providing materials for the bags.  There is also info for the rest of the supplies you will need including measurements if you want to bring your own fabric.

Also, the Modern Quilt Guild is surveying its members on several issues.  You can take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YXFBTJZ

And finally, Weeks Ringle of FunQuilts is having another studio sale.  She would like to accommodate our members by timing it for our December 4th meeting.  If you have a preference for dropping by the studio before or after the meeting, hop over to Bigtent and let me know asap so I can tell Weeks.

Not on Bigtent?  Use the “Join here” link over there in the side bar.   See  you Sunday!

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna