May meeting Recap

May 22, 2014
Sue matches her quilt!

The May meeting was great! We enjoyed a quick presentation about Marcia Derse’s fabric dying process.

The rest of the meeting was spent by sharing our Modern in the City challenge quilts. These quilts will be displayed in June at the International Quilt Fest in Schaumberg, June 19-21. Everyone did such great work on these quilts – the quilt show will be amazing!

We also shared some show and tell, and took some time getting to know each other.

We were instructed to bring 3-5 strips of fabric for the meeting — and we used these strips to share a bit about ourselves and our quilting style. It’s fascinating how color-coordinating our clothes were to our fabrics!

Judy said, “I feel like I’m at an AA meeting for fabric!” She’s right – we’re a nice little support group – though I’m not certain we help people to buy less fabric!

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Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna