President Carolyn Strug welcomed attendees.
- Reminder that the next meeting has been moved to June 9th and will be about pouches.
- Sarah Evans announced the theme of the 2024 QuiltCon community quilt challenge and asked for volunteers to plan and design the quilt.
- Jane Shapiro reminded everyone about the June 2nd sew-in for the charity quilt. The event to make these is on June 2, 1-5pm at the Oak Park Public Library in the Veterans Room on the 2nd Floor.
- Jenni Grover reminded everyone to send items in to the Full Bobbin
- Sam Luchsinger announced that we are up to 176 members (with three guests in the room) and that there are new quilt kits from the guild’s stash of charity fabric.
- Amy Struckmeyer requested volunteers for tutorials for the pouch meeting.
- Diane Paquin Provost reminded us that the Take the Shirt Off My Back show reception will be at the Skokie Library on July 18th. The July meeting will also be held at the library.

- Speaker Laura Loewen gave her talk “A New Era of Modern Quilting”
- Member Show and Tell with a little time to socialize