The Chicago MQG’s board of directors has voted to reschedule our March 22, 2020 meeting in light of the current public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus. Our guild has members who are seniors, pregnant, or have chronic health conditions impacting their immune system, and protecting the health and safety of our guild friends is paramount.
We know that celebrating our guild’s 10th anniversary is a highly-anticipated meeting that we’ve all been looking forward to for months. We are currently working with our anniversary party venue, Pilgrim Church, to identify a new date later this year for rescheduling our anniversary party. The party must go on! We’ll all just have to be a little more patient. As soon as we know the new date for our anniversary party, we will announce it online and at meetings.
Our monthly guild meetings are a treasured tradition, and missing any meetings can make us feel disconnected, especially at a time when we are encouraged to stay home as much as possible. In order to make sure that we stay connected with our guild friends online, continue to foster our quilting creativity, and continue celebrating a decade of the Chicago MQG, we are excited to announce a new guild challenge today! You can read more about the Chicago MQG 10th Anniversary Mini Quilt Challenge below, and we hope that you’ll join us online in making a mini quilt inspired by your love for our guild!
The board is continuing to monitor the public health crisis. We are working with the Siena Center to make decisions about our upcoming retreat as well as with our contact at Rush Oak Park Hospital to stay up to date on hospital policies for our April meeting. If there are any changes to either of these events, we will announce them in a future email. In the meantime, take care of yourself and those around you, and start designing your mini quilt for our new challenge!
Stay safe,
Chicago MQG Board of Directors

Announcing the Chicago MQG 10th Anniversary Mini Quilt Challenge!
This year, the Chicago MQG is delighted to celebrate a decade of creativity and friendship. What better way to do that than with a new guild challenge! For our Chicago MQG 10th Anniversary Mini Quilt Challenge, we encourage you to make a quilt inspired by what the Chicago MQG means to you.
This could be an abstract quilt about friendship, a quilt made with techniques learned at past workshops or demonstrations, a design inspired by our city, or anything else you can imagine. All Chicago MQG 10th Anniversary Mini Quilts will be displayed at our rescheduled anniversary party! Here is some more information about the challenge:
Finished quilt size: 24” x 24”
Display: Because we will display these quilts at our rescheduled anniversary party, each mini quilt should have a sleeve sewn on the back.
Hashtag: #chicagomqg10yearmini – share your progress on Instagram and so your guild friends can see your quilt come to life!
Deadline: Ongoing! Start making your mini now, and we will announce the deadline when the new anniversary party date is announced.
Many of us will be spending a lot of time at home in the next few weeks. If you are able to, that’s the perfect time to get some quilting done! Make sure to use our #chicagomqg10yearmini hashtag to share pictures of your sketches, fabric pulls, quilt tops, and more. We can’t wait to see the diversity of quilts that this challenge will inspire!
All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
This month’s meeting is on April 19, 2020
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button above to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!