Our July meeting featured hand quilting demos, the presentation of a very special award, general announcements, and Show and Tell, all via Zoom meeting.

Star Stitches: Jenni introduced this new positive and uplifting program in support of our CMQG community.Each month, members can submit their friends’ life, or quilting, achievements (or their own) for announcement at the upcoming meeting. Jenni shared the first month’s encouraging Star Stitches during the meeting announcements.

QuiltCon Community Outreach Challenge: A plan for this quilt is in progress and will be revealed soon! Look for information on how to contribute by making a block, providing long arm quilting services, or attaching the binding in the guild newsletter. The theme is curves, the color palette includes blues and oranges (see below), and fabric will be provided to anyone helping to piece the top. We haven’t yet selected a charity for the quilt, and welcome any suggestions.

The Chicago MQG anniversary book: Modern Quilts in the Second City: Ten Years of the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild is ready to go to press and almost complete!
Membership update: There are many benefits to membership: QuiltCon early registration access, all the resources on the MQG website, access to our online meetings. The board is energized to provide community and access to make the best of the pandemic. Being a member creates a pool of resources to provide the community space. We currently have 110 members. Don’t forget to invite your friends to a meeting! The first meeting is free for guests. Simply contact us for a meeting link. Find out more about membership and guest fees here.
Do you have ideas for blog content? We would LOVE your input! Please include any suggestions in the member survey, or reach out to us via email.
All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
This month’s meeting is on August 16, via Zoom. (Look for a link in our member newsletter, the Full Bobbin.)
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!