July 2018 Meeting Recap and Announcements

July 27, 2018

This month we welcomed Lynn Carson Harris, a quilter from Michigan.  

Lynn is known for her tiny piecing projects and is the author of the book Every Last Piece. The guild hosted a workshop on tiny piecing the day prior to our meeting.  

Lynn shared many of her quilts and tiny piecing tips, including:

  • start each project with a new needle
  • use thin thread
  • if you can use a single stitch needle plate on your machine, to avoid your machine eating your pieces

Visit Lynn’s website for more info including her current series of small scale abstract quilts inspired by domestic abuse.

Mini Quilt Swap

July was the big reveal of our 2nd Mini Quilt Swap with the Ann Arbor Modern Quilt Guild.  Chicago member Sara Evans was the very lucky recipient of the mini that our speaker Lynn made for her. We had 20+ members participate. If you were unable to attend this month’s meeting do not worry, we will have your mini for you next month. Thank you very much to Amy Struckmeyer for coordinating this swap and to the Ann Arbor members for the fun creative mini quilts!  Keep an eye on our social media pages for pictures.


Our August 19 meeting will be our annual summer pot luck. Please bring a dish to pass. Member Bill Keller has agreed to do scissor sharpening during our meeting; please watch for more details as it gets closer to our August meeting. It’s a fun afternoon to get to know each other better. 

On September 16, we will be discussing foundation paper piecing. This a great opportunity to learn something new or if have your questions/problems/issues that need to be resolved someone should be able to assist.

On October 21 and 22 we will be hosting Season Evans for a workshop and lecture. The workshop will be “Minimalist Improvisation” and her lecture will be “Minimal Quilts – from Traditional to Modern.” Please keep an eye out for workshop signups details coming in August.  Our workshops are first come, first served for signups.

November 18 will be all about needles and threads, more details to come.

December 9 (this is the 2nd Sunday) is our Holiday Potluck, more details to come.

Looking ahead on May 10 and 11, 2019, we will be hosting Libs Elliott for a workshop and lecture.  

We have a change on the board for the remainder of the year: Jen Beatty has stepped into the secretary position. Welcome Jen!

We hope you are enjoying our monthly newsletter, “The Full Bobbin.” If you are in a quilt show or magazine, have a teaching gig, or are hosting an event we want to know about it. Please make sure to contact Social Media and Communications Chairperson Jenni Grover so it can be included. Also, contact Jenni if are a new member and you have yet received an issue.

Membership Chairperson Rebecca Cynamon-Murphy has membership cards for 2018. If you haven’t received yours yet please see Rebecca at a guild meeting when you check in or at break.

Our next retreat will be October 12-15 at the Sienna Center in Racine, WI. Full registration details will be emailed to members in August. If we get more people wanting to attend than there is room, there will a lottery for the all available spots. Lynn Bailey is organizing small 1-2 hour projects for anyone attending who wants to participate. Last retreat, a group of quilters made coffee sleeves together and had a lot of fun. If you have any ideas, even if you are unable to attend, please pass them along to Lynn.

The National Modern Quilt Guild has opened submission for QuiltCon 2019 which will be held in Nashville, TN, February 20-24. The deadline to register your quilt(s) is November 30. If you would like to volunteer at Quiltcon 2019 signups have also opened up. 

Speaking of Quiltcon 2019, we got our first details of the plan for our 2019 charity quilt submission.  Member Heidi Parks is assisting us with the design this time around. The theme is Small Piecing. If you missed the July meeting, not to worry a separate blog post will be published shortly to fill everyone in. All blocks are due by/at our September meeting.

MQG is seeking a nominating committee for assistance with researching potential national board members

An event a bit closer to home is MQX Quilt Festival Midwest 2018. It will be held September 18-22 in Springfield, IL at the Crown Plaza Hotel & Convention Center, just a few hours south of us. There are classes, lectures, vendors and a quilt show. The quilt submission deadline is August 1. Visit their website for all the details. Member Sara Evans shared that this is great show to submit a quilt to; it does not receive as many submissions as Quiltcon and has a variety of categories including a newbie category if you have not entered a show before. If you are interested in attending, this is the year; there is a good possibility the show will be moving to another Midwest location next year. MQX also hosts an annual spring show in New Hamsphire.

All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.

This month’s meeting is on August 19, 2018

Meeting location:

Rush Oak Park Hospital 
Centennial Room 
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304 

A list of our meetings can be found here.

Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!

We hope to see you there!

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna