It was time for our annual members mini truck show, organized once again by Holly Harper. Presenting some of their collections this year included Jenni Grover, Susan Elster-Jones, Paula Zajac, Jordana Robinson and Andrea R. DiOrio. If was fun to learn about their journeys. Jenni finds precision the most challenging area. Susan wants to figure out how to turn this hobby into a career. Paula is challenged by fabric/color selection in the process. Jordana want to finish more items. Andrea wants to find more time to actually quilt. Pretty sure we can all relate to our fellow members challenges!

Thank you to these wonderful members who stories with us and a Big Thank You to Holly!
Upcoming Meeting Announcements
February 15, 2020
Workshop with Shruti Dandekar from India! Registration is now open to nonmembers too, a few slots are available, do not delay in signing up! If you need the signup link, email the guild and we will send it to you. Attendees, who sign up by February 1, will have two options to either use a stock photo or use one of their own for an additional fee. Workshop will be held at NIU in Naperville just off I-88.
February 16, 2020
Shruti Dandekar will be our guest speaker. This repeat sold out QuiltCon teacher from is flying from India and stopping in Chicago prior to QuiltCon Austin. This will be a special treat for us. We will meet in our regular location at Rush Oak Park Hospital 2-5 PM. Guests are welcome, $10 guest fee at the door.
March 22, 2020 SAVE THE DATE!!!
It’s our Chicago MQG 10th Anniversary Party! Held at Pilgrim Church, here in Oak Park (only 1 ½ miles from our regular location). If you have old pics from guild events (even if grainy from those older phones), please send them to A fun slide show is being planned. Everyone is asked to bring a quilt to display during the party in the sanctuary of the church. On-site parking is available too.
April 19, 2020
Quilt Olympics II. We are hoping for none of the white stuff we had last April. This event was so well received, it’s back again! More details soon! Including the ceremonial cup for the winner designed by Emily Bruzzini.
May 10, 2020
Sarah Evans will educate us on all things related to hand sewing needles and thimbles. We are willing to bet even if you have been hand sewing for years, you will learn something new!
The full year of events is listed on our website
Elections for the 2020-2021 (April-March) board will take at our March meeting. If you have been a member for at least one year (as of April 2020) and are interested in running or want more information about position(s) please send an email to VP Jenni Grover or the guild email. All positions are open excluding president. You may nominate yourself or other members. Deadline for emails is February 7.
Membership 2020
It’s a new year and time to renew if you have not already. There is a link on our website. If you do not renew by the end of January, you will be removed from our private Facebook group and will not receive our monthly members only newsletter, The Full Bobbin which often contains discounts codes for members only.
QuiltCon 2020 Charity Quilt
Our quilt top was reveled at the December meeting! Sarah Evans is quilting it for us now, then Heather Kinion will stich the binding and add a sleeve. It will be on display at QuiltCon in Austin in February and then at our Anniversary Party in March. It was stitched by 44 members, big thank you to Jenni Grover and Laura Hartrich who have been instrumental on this project. The quilt will be donated to Sojourner House which is a bridge to housing stability in Oak Park.
Community Building Programs
This month Carol Matlak and Jane Shapiro shared with us their fun conversation of getting to know each other better. If you have interviewed your partner and are ready to share with the group or want more info about this fun program, please email Laura Hartich or the guild email, so she can coordinate.

Anniversary Book Update
All the quilts have been photographed and the layout is being finalized. Ordering details coming soon!
Spring Retreat
We are back at the Sienna Center in Racine, WI. April 3-5 or 6, mark your calendars, please note arrival is Thurs or Friday through Sunday this time. Registration will open Monday, February 17 at 7:00 PM, watch your email for the signup link. If you have questions email the guild and we will put you in contact w/Katie, our retreat chair.
QuiltCon February 2020 Austin, TX
If you are a CMQG member and are attending QuiltCon please join our private Facebook group, Chicago MQG Quilt Con 2019. If you are not attending watch social media for the #chicagomqgquiltcon2020 for your fellow members pictures.
National Announcements
Heather Kinion our past president and MQG Region 3 representative is now the President of the MQG Board of Directors. Congratulations Heather!
Member Hosted Sew-In’s open to all CMQG Members
Please email the guild or these ladies directly to confirm the dates listed, in case something changes.
February 1 (5-9 PM) at Jenni Grover’s home in Skokie – no pets live here
February 10 (6:30-9:30 PM) Heather Kinion’s home in Andersonville -a cat does live here
February 28 (6-10 PM) Emily Bruzzini’s home in Melrose Park – no pets live here
Use and follow our guild hashtags!
All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
Our next meeting is on February 16
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!