January 2017 – Meeting Recap & Announcements

January 29, 2018
This month was our “Member’s Mini Trunk Show.” Participating members include: Julia Bryant, Sara Hochhauser, Iris Johnson, Heather Kinion, and Peta Minerof-Bartos. Each member is extremely talented and was very gracious in sharing their sewing and quilting journey with us. We are so very pleased to have such talent in our guild.
Organizer Holly Harper

THANK YOU to member Holly Harper for organizing this year’s event. It’s always a guild favorite.

Julia Bryant

How long have you been quilting? 9 years or so.
For you, what is the hardest part of quilting? Layering and actually quilting the quilt. I have a small domestic machine and the arm is very small, which makes it tricky to quilt. I also struggle with challenging myself to make something that is less symmetrical. This is one of my goals for 2018…create outside the box.
For you, what is the favorite part of quilting? Piecing, I love piecing and watching the quilt come together, piece by piece.
How would you describe your style? I try to be more modern in my choices, with bright and bold colors, fresh quilt designs and patterns. I honestly haven’t made too many quilts, but I find that I lean towards symmetrical designs or designs with a reoccurring pattern.
For you, what is the most important quilt you’ve ever made? The quilt that I made for my first son. I was so proud of finally designing and finishing a whole quilt and having it professionally quilted by my aunt. It was also the first time binding a quilt. I learned so many new skills while making that quilt, it was refreshing to hold the quilt in my hands.
Anything else you want to share? Outside of quilting, I sew many things on a regular basis, which feeds my sewing need. I make capes, dolls, pillows, birthday shirts, pennant banners, pouches, skirts, pajamas, and so much more!  You name, I am willing to try to figure out how to sew it.
Connect with Julia:
Instagram: @bluejcottage 
Facebook: Blue-J Cottage 

Sara Hochhauser

How long have you been quilting? Almost 30 years.
For you, what is the hardest part of quilting? Waiting till the last minute to finish.
For you, what is the favorite part of quilting? The process of piecing.
How would you describe your style? Eclectic, modern, traditional, art quilting.
For you, what is the most important quilt you’ve ever made? My favorite is the border of the month quilt.
Anything else you want to share? I sew about as many garments as I do quilts.
Connect with Sara:
Instagram: @sehochhauser 

Iris Johnson

How long have you been quilting? On and off since about 1978.
For you, what is the hardest part of quilting? The most difficult part of a project is knowing when it’s time to quilt and bind.
For you, what is the favorite part of quilting? Learning from other quilters is my favorite part of quilting.
How would you describe your style? My style is traditional, influenced by art and nature.
For you, what is the most important quilt you’ve ever made? I feel they are all important for different reasons.  Each one relates my view of the world during a specific period of time.
Connect with Iris:
Instagram: @iris_r_johnson

Heather Kinion

How long have you been quilting? Since fall of 2009.
For you, what is the hardest part of quilting? The quilting. I agonize over what to do that serves the quilt AND that I can accomplish. Plus I am terrible at basting. Wait, basting might be my hardest part.
For you, what is the favorite part of quilting? Planning and pulling fabric and binding. I really love getting started AND snuggling up with the final step and watching some Netflix.
How would you describe your style? Traditional Modern with pops of emphasis on the hand of the maker. And sometimes I improv.
For you, what is the most important quilt you’ve ever made? Probably my most recent one “Geese Study #1” which is about to hang at QuiltCon. I think it rethinks whole cloth quilts in a fresh way.
Connect with Heather:
Instagram: @fire4hairlady 

Pera Minerof-Bartos

How long have you been quilting? 20+ years.
For you, what is the hardest part of quilting? Cleaning up after myself? Just kidding. Precision – sometimes I feel a rush to get my design out and don’t want to take the time to make each step perfect. Finishing. So many UFOs, so little time.
For you, what is the favorite part of quilting? Seeing the image in my head take shape in reality so others can see it. Many of my projects are for daily use, using a bag or tote I made is really fun! Each part of the process holds distinct joy for me; choosing fabrics is about possibilities, and color. Cutting can be mindful, allowing me to fully be in the moment and not focusing on worry; it’s also very satisfying when done. Piecing and assembly can be meditative and frustrating. Quilting, is, for me, the fun part. And binding, though tedious, means the finish line is close! Each phase of the process fills different needs.
How would you describe your style? I’m struggling right now to define my personal quilting style, and voice. I’d say non-traditional and improvisational are good descriptions. I’m fascinated by mixing techniques, and love the “break the rules” spirit of Modern Quilters. Currently, I’m attracted to reuse and up-cycling. And for my next challenge, really diving in and learning how to create with the Pro-Stitcher and Art & Stitch to take my computerized quilting to a higher level.
For you, what is the most important quilt you’ve ever made? My election quilt remains the project I’m most emotionally involved with. While I am very pleased with how I executed my artistic vision, this quilt is infused with all of the emotions I felt (and I think shared with many) on Election Night 2016. It is a moment in time that shocked our nation and our world. I am sure over time, its significance will only grow.
Anything else you want to share? I sewed and quilted, self-taught-since childhood. I got back to it when expecting my first child. Since 1997, my quilting has been an artistic outlet for me, to express creativity and explore various techniques create things that are pleasing to view. I wasn’t aware of how integral it was to processing tough feelings, but it was. As I progress through my journey to becoming an Art Therapist, I have the opportunity to define and develop my artistic identity. My art will become more than simply personal or decorative.  My technical skills and creativity are becoming a tool to be used in healing and growth for others.

Connect with Peta:
Instagram: @petaquilts
Blog: Petaquilts 

QuiltCon Charity Quilt

President Amy Struckmeyer and Vice President Heather Kinion presented our guild’s QuiltCon Charity Quilt. The blocks were made by different members and then quilted by member Amy Parker. Heather will do the finishing touches by added the binding and a sleeve. It’s going to BEAUTIFUL hanging at QuiltCon in Pasadena next month. GREAT JOB to everyone that worked on this quilt.  Thank you to the following members that pieced the blocks:  Carol Allegretti, Lynn Bailey, Jen Beatty, Melissa Bogusch, Kate Brennan, Emily Bruzzini, Julia Bryant, Mary Calzada, Shannon Dangerfield, Erin Davis, Kathy Devries, Sarah Evans, Cari Goode, Holly Harper, Laura Hartrich, Susan Holderread, Bobbie Hopper, Bill Keller, Emily Lang, Jennifer Lowe, Laura McDowell Hopper, Rosalie McMenamin, Dani Miller, Deb Pentek, Sally Prokopec, Brenda Quick, Ilia Raguay, Pat Rahrig, Rachel Rivera, Sarah Shulman, Cathy Sisco, Debi Wight, and Carole Wool. Also thanks to Amy Struckmeyer that pieced the top together, to Amy Parker for the quilting, and to Heather for sewing on the binding and a hanging sleeve. It was announced that after the show, it will be donated to The Las Vegas Modern Quilt Guild for their #quiltsforvegas project.
Social Media Chair Jenni Grover mentioned we have a guild newsletter called “The Full Bobbin.” If you are a new member for 2018 you should have received your first issue. If any of our members is in a quilt show or magazine, has a teaching gig, or hosting an event, we want to know about it. Please make sure to contact Jenni so it can be included. Also, contact Jenni if you are a new member and didn’t receive your issue.
Membership Chairperson Rebecca Cynamon-Murphy was unable to attend our meeting so Treasurer Dani Miller presented a membership report on her behalf. Our 2018 guild membership drive is underway and we currently have 97 members which is up from 73 members this time last year. If you haven’t renewed please do so by the end of the week. Rebecca will be providing membership info to The MQG and you won’t want to loose access to their website and your member perks. Also, if you are a new member for 2018 your access will be initiated at that time.
Treasurer Dani Miller presented the following announcements from The MQG:

  • A new web experience to replace the existing forum site will be deployed soon.
  • Modern Quilts: Designed for the New Century was just released. We will also be purchasing a copy for the guild’s library.
  • The Masters Workshop will be announced soon.
  • QuiltCon 2020 will be announced soon.
Vice President Heather Kinion will be hosting the next Programming Meeting early February at her house. All members are welcome to attend. More info to come.
Vice President Heather Kinion announced that CMQG Board elections will occur at the March meeting. If you’ve been a member of the guild for at least one year (as of April 2018) you are qualified to serve on the board. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Heather by February 9.  Nominees will be announced in the February meeting announcement blog post and the February newsletter.
If you are participating in the guild’s “Secret Mini Quilt Swap,” they are due at the March meeting.  If you have any questions please contact Emily Lang.
Our next retreat will be April 6-9 at the Sienna Center in Racine, WI. Registration will begin late January. The retreat is limited to 24 members ONLY and a lottery, if necessary, will be held at the February meeting. Learn more about the process.
Our February meeting will be a sew-in at Thimbles in Lockport, IL. Our meeting time will be from 10am to 4pm. Please note the change in time and venue for this meeting only. Please use the sign-up form to register for this meeting. We would like a count of how many people plan on attending and if you will be bringing a sewing machine or a hand sewing project; this will enable us to set up plenty of tables and chairs.
Our March meeting will be “All About Bindings.” More info to come.
International Quilt Festival (IQF) will be held from April 12-14 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. Click here for more info.
In April, we will be hosting Tara Curtis (@weftyneedle) and she will be teaching us her fabric waving technique. This workshop will be held on April 21 with a lecture on April 22. NOTE THE REVISED DATES! The change was made so members can also attend IQF in Rosemont. Sewing machines will not be needed for this workshop, but some preparation will be required. More info to come.
Special Events Chairperson Laura McDowell Hopper is looking for locations to host guild workshops and sew-ins. She is looking for a space that can accommodate 24 people with ample electrical outlets for their sewing machines and to set-up several ironing stations throughout the room. Must also be reasonably priced. If you know of any place in your area or if you have any questions, please contact Laura.
Charity Projects
Member Debbie Pine is still distributing foundation paper squares to make string blocks. This is an ongoing project so please just bring your completed blocks to a meeting.  Refer to the September 2017 Meeting blog post for instructions (including a video) on how to make these blocks. The only change is that she is asking members to put a 2” ( 1 ½” finished) strip of Kona Snow (or similar) fabric down the diagonal of the block.
To quickly find information regarding our current charity endeavors click the “Charity Projects” button in the side bar.

All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.

This month’s meeting is on February 18, 2018 from 10am-4pm

Meeting location (NOT at our usual location!):

Thimbles Quilts
940 S. State St.
Lockport, IL 60441

A list of our meetings can be found here.

Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!

We hope to see you there!

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna