It was a fun afternoon of socializing, eating and swapping handmade gifts. Thirty members brought handmade gifts that took less than 2 hours to create. Thank you to Carole Woole for coordinating our potluck again this year. We sure do have a lot of great bakers!
Rita’s Quilt
This project was started by Shannon Downey of @badasscrossstich here in Chicago. Sarah Evans, Heather Kinion and Jenni Grover assisted stitching this quilt together here in Chicago. Sarah flew out to Los Angeles with Shannon for a taping on The Kelly Clarkson Show, it was scheduled to air on December 17, so go look it up if you missed it. Sara is also long arming this special project watch her progress on IG @sparklesaxdesigns On Saturday December 21 the quilt will be on display FOR ONE DAY ONLY IN CHICAGO from 1:00-4:00 PM at The Woman’s Gallery 2150 South Canalport in Chicago (please verify the times on their website) before the quilt heads to National Quilt Museum in Kentucky. This project has really taken off and for us to hear firsthand information about this project is just amazing.

Upcoming Meeting Announcements
January 19, 2:00-5:00, Rush Oak Park Hospital
Annual Member Trunk Show this meeting is always a favorite to learn about your fellow members and be inspired by their work.
February 15, 2020
Workshop with Shruti Dandekar from India! Registration opens Saturday, December 21 at 7 PM. An email announcement with the details will be sent prior to members. Attendees will have two options to either use a stock photo or use one of their own an additional fee, all details will be explained in separate post. Workshop will be held at NIU in Naperville just off I-88.
February 16, 2020
Shruti Dandekar will be our guest. This repeat sold out QuiltCon teacher from is flying from India and stopping in Chicago prior to QuiltCon Austin. This will be a special treat for us, watch for meeting location details & invite your friends, this is not to be missed meeting!
March 22, 2020 SAVE THE DATE!!! It’s our Chicago MQG 10th Anniversary Party! Held at Pilgrim Church, here in Oak Park, not far from our regular meeting location. We have already received word some former members will be flying in for this event.
April 19, 2020 Quilt Olympics II. We are hoping for none of the white stuff we had last April. This event was so well received, it’s back again! More details to come.
The full year of events is listed on our website.

Elections for the 2020-2021 (April-March) board will take place in a few months. More details coming after the holidays. If you have been a member for at least one year and are interested in running or want more information about position(s) please send an email to VP Jenni Grover or the guild email.
Membership 2020
RENEW NOW! Please help by renewing by the end of the year. There is a lot of work behind the scenes that occurs and by renewing early it helps our guild tremendously. When completing the 2020 membership questionnaire there is a question asking if you would like to purchase a CMQG enamel pin, the cost will be approximately $10. If you check yes, you will get yours first, there is no guarantee if we will have extras so Renew Now! Also, if you are not renewing we will miss you, please feel free to drop us an email letting us know why you will not be renewing, this helps us learn what you are looking for and what we can do better. Everyone is welcome to send an email anytime of the year with suggestions.
QuiltCon 2020 Charity Quilt
Our quilt top was revealed at the December meeting! To view it, check social media – a few members have shared it, look under the hashtag #chicagomqg, now it’s off to the long armer and binder. We owe a big round of applause to all members who stitched a block and especially Jenni Grover and Laura Hartrich who have been instrumental on this project. This quilt will first hang at QuiltCon 2020 in Austin then returned to us and donated to Sojourner House which is a bridge to housing stability in Oak Park.
Community Building Programs
If you have interviewed your partner and are ready to share with the group, please email Laura Hartich or the guild email, so she can coordinate when you both will be at a meeting.
Anniversary Book Update
Lots of activity is occurring behind the scene as the quilts have now been photographed.
Save the Date-Spring Retreat will be at the Sienna Center in Racine, WI. April 3-5 or 6, mark your calendars. Registration details coming in 2020. We also have confirmation we can go back to Sienna in fall 2020.
National announcements
Latest issue of MQG was sent to all your emails on December 15. Lots of great info for all quilters.
QuiltCon 2020 Austin, TX
If you are a CMQG member and are attending QuiltCon please join our private Facebook group, Chicago MQG Quilt Con 2019. It’s an easy way to ask questions about anything QuiltCon or Austin. I can guarantee one of your fellow members will have the answer/guidance to assist.
All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!