Our December meeting will feature our annual holiday potluck! There is always so much delicious food, thanks to members bringing something to share.

We will also do a gift swap! Those wishing to participate should bring a small, wrapped handsewn item (ideally it would take 1-2 hours to make). Check the CMQG Pinterest board for ideas and tutorials! It would be amazing to see some hand applique, curves, and zippers in the swap items, highlighting what we’ve learned in our meetings this year.

This is a blind swap, so make something you think would be generally appealing to our membership. If you bring a gift, you will leave with a gift. Finally, as always, we’ll enjoy members’ show and tell. We will meet at Rush Oak Park Hospital, 2-5 pm. See you there.

All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
This month’s meeting is on December 15, 2019
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!