Connecting with the CMQG

May 8, 2013
Connecting with the CQMG:
it’s not only our quilting that’s gone MODERN!

When I (Peta) first began to quilt, and realized that I wanted to meet other quilters, I wasn’t sure exactly how to find them, other than word of mouth.    I noticed a few flyers at my local quilt shop,  but it was hard to figure out exactly how to participate.  As a new mom in my 30’s,  many of the people I saw in that first guild meeting didn’t seem very much like me at all, and it was intimidating. Especially when it came to show-and-tell time!  

How times have changed!   Here’s a breakdown of how to get information about guild meetings and events, learn about our meetings and members, and become a part of our community.    Best of all, we continue to work to connect each of the four major portals, allowing members and potential members to easily navigate between them.   

BLOG ~ welcoming 
The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild blog acts as the official face of the group to the public. It is the place where we share information about our group like meeting and event details, news about members, and inspiration we share for modern quilting. If you are interested in sharing a story (modern quilting inspiration, sewing tips, techniques, tutorials, or other news), get in touch with our Technology Chair Quilters at

FACEBOOK ~ connecting
The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild Facebook page is the place to share information about our group and our passion for modern quilting, and is a place to connect with CMQG members. Feel free to share with us at the CMQG Facebook page!

FLICKR PAGE ~ sharing
The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild Flickr page and group pool are there to share photos with our members and the public. The Flickr page is where we share official photos from meetings, events, retreats and workshops. The Flickr Group Pool is for CMQG members to share photos of quilts, projects, and inspiration. Feel free to upload and share photos of your modern quilting projects with us at the Flickr Group Pool.

BIG TENT ~ informing
The Chicago Modern Quilt Guild forum is the principal place for sharing group news and information with members. Event details, meeting RSVP’s, group news, and even conversations between members take place on the forums at Big Tent. 
Important documents like the CMQG group Bylaws are shared at BigTent. Make sure to upload a photo, use your first name, and fill in your profile so other members will recognize you when having conversations at BigTent! Big Tent is the only secure site – only members have access to this information. 

If you’re worried about missing something important, be sure to follow our guild on Big Tent. All major updates will be posted to Big Tent.

We hope this helps explain the primary functions of the various social media sites we utilize to keep members informed, inspired and connected.

PS – Links to our various sites are listed in the sidebar of the blog, if you get lost you’ll always be able to find the links there. 

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna