We had a great turnout for a fun social day including a yummy potluck. Special thank you to Carole Woole. for coordinating! We are listening to what many members have requested in our survey’s by including more social time and an opportunity to work on hand projects too. This group is so amazing with their knowledge and generosity and for all the donations to Project Night Night.
Upcoming Meetings
Workshop September 21, Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill Hawaiian Applique Workshop
10:00-4:00 @ Rush Oak Park Hospital $75 fee plus $6 workshop fee for pre-cut pattern
Registration for this workshop is NOW open, please refer to email sent to members on 8/18.
September 22, 2:00-5:00, Rush Oak Park Hospital
Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill lecture and trunk show
*NOTE: Program committee meeting from 12:00 – 1:30, open to all members
October 20, 2:00-5:00, Rush Oak Park Hospital
Curved Piecing Demo
Learn different techniques, including the curved letters design we hope to incorporate in our
QuiltCon charity quilt!
October 25-28
Fall Retreat at Cedar Lake Ministry-New Fall Location for 2019
Registration is NOW OPEN. Look for the email with the link set on 8/19. Lottery if needed in September. If you have any questions, please contact Retreat Chair Katie Cooper or email the guild.
November 17, 2:00-5:00, Rush Oak Park Hospital
Zipper demos-Learn tips and tricks about zippers from some of our guild’s most experienced zipper-ers!
December 15, 2019, 2:00-5:00, Rush Oak Park Hospital
Holiday Potluck and Swap-Bring a dish to share and a small sewn item for a blind swap! Make sure your small sewn item does not take more than two hours to make, and for extra fun, include Hawaiian applique, curved piecing, or zippers, all of which we will be learning about at this fall’s meetings. Please remember we all do not all celebrate the same holidays, so no holiday fabric/themes. Most members prefer an item they can use all year long.
Member Sew-In
Emily Bruzini is hosting a sew-in at her home in Melrose Park on Friday September 13 (6-10). For more info email the guild and we will put you in touch with Emily.
QuiltCon 2020 Charity Quilt
Jenni Grover is heading up this project. We are seeking designers for the quilt and/or design ideas. We are also looking for suggestions of a non-profit to donate this quilt to after the show. Anyone who wants to assist on this project for even a little amount of time, please email the guild and we will put you in contact with Jenni. We would love to include Laura Hartrich’s curved letters in the quilt if possible, because they are so loved in our guild and at QuiltCon where they won a ribbon, but we are open to all ideas!
Anniversary Book Update!
Depending on when you are reading this the deadline for all submissions is August 25. You should have received a link to submit up to five of your favorite quilts in your email. Remember that what we hope to produce is a history of the guild, so while we all get excited about what we are making right now, we are looking for quilts that span the entire ten years of our guild. That means that some newer work might not get accepted if you have a beloved quilt from many years ago!
We are not looking for the same things that a show like QuiltCon looks for. You can submit quilts
made from patterns, quilts made in workshops, or QuiltCon rejects. The judges will be looking
for quilts that help tell the story of this guild, regardless of how long you’ve been a member,
whether or not your quilt is an original design, or your skill level (which is subjective anyway).
It will cost $3.50 to submit your five quilts, which will help us defray the cost of the jurying
We are seeking a guild member is interested in being the sales manager for the book. This includes handling and arranging the pre-orders and any shipping to out of state members!
We’re also looking for people interested in helping to plan an anniversary party for the guild for
our March 2020 meeting, which is one month after our actual anniversary so it’s better weather, we hope.
National announcements
If you signed up for the Hoffman Fabrics Me & You Indah Batik Challenge, Jen Beatty has your fabrics and will be handing them out at all upcoming meetings. You can still join in this challenge by purchasing fabrics on your own. Visit www.quiltcon.com for all the info.
MQG Challenges-Stripes Quilt Challenge, is open all members, just as the Me & You Indah Batik both open to all members. Visit www.quiltcon.com
QuiltCon 2020 in Austin, TX
Entries are now open! Submit your quilts now through December 2.
Community building programs
If you’ve interviewed your partner and are ready to share with the group, email me Laura Hatrich. If you’ve met with your charity pod and are willing to share your experience on the blog or in the
Project Night Night
We have sent Sarah Schulman home with so many quilts, books, and stuffies. It will take a few months for her to coordinate with the Project Night Night Organization. So, if you still have one at home, please bring it next month.All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
This month’s meeting is on INSERT DATE HERE
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!