August 21 meeting

July 27, 2011

And now for something completely different…
So many of us had never done mug rugs before the informal exchange suggested by Ebony.  Did you see the table of them at the meeting on July 17?  If you missed seeing them, check out the Flickr display on the blog and in the CMQG Flickr site.   Every one said how much fun they were to make, to give, and to receive.  What a great activity.  
And now here’s another opportunity to try something new.  The August 21 meeting will be a sew-in/tutorial led by Sue doing quilted postcards.   Here’s what you can do before the meeting.  Google quilted postcards and be prepared to be awed at what you see.   Here are two places worth looking at.
For the next meeting please bring your machine, bits of fabric, and things you might use for embellishments.  Two essentials of quilted post cards are card stock and fusible webbing.  These two things will be provided for you!  Make sure you RSVP!  
Those of you who worked on Project Support and the bra embellishing, bring your $5.00 entry fee and application so it can be sent off.
Finally, those of you participating in the Applique Round Robin, bring in your assigned piece and be ready for the next round!
Remember to go to Big Tent and RSVP!

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna