Many members braved the April 14 snowstorm to compete in the CMQG Quilt Olympics! We split into three teams and competed in four categories. We enjoyed guess the fabric designer by their fabric, guess the designer by their photograph and guess the quilt block (thankfully challenges were allowed). Finally each team was given a few fat quarters and told to create as many quilt blocks in a specific design and the size of the block. That’s it, we had to figure out what the block looked like and the cutting dimensions without out the use of our cell phones. Each team was provided a 6×24 ruler, rotary cutter & mat, pair of small snips, an iron and a sewing machine. Our goal was to create as many blocks as possible with good points and accurate dimensions. Thank You to everyone who assisted behind the scenes prior the meeting and throughout the day, this was a team effort with a lot of hands involved. The blocks will be incorporated into quilts for Project Night Night.
Keep an eye out in your email, a member survey will sent very soon or it may already be in your inbox. We value your input on who/what you want to see and learn about.
Along with the survey, all members are invited to attend the next programming meeting to be held just before our May 19 regular meeting from 12:00-1:30 PM in the snack/breakroom at Rush Oak Park Hospital (the one you pass on the way to our meeting room when you exit from the elevator/stairs).
If you are making a quilt for Project Night Night the deadline to hand them in is our June meeting (sew-in location details in the next Full Bobbin). If you are unable to attend, please email the guild and we will let Sarah S. (our coordinate) know how many to expect at the July meeting as she will need to order the bags and determine how many books and stuffed animals are needed. If you wish to use some of our guild fabric, email the guild and we will get you in contact with Sarah or feel free to use own too. Look back at a previous blog post for all the details. Fabric swatches of our stash are now available to view at guild meetings to request specifics fabrics/colors.
In May we welcome Libs Elliot from Canada. On Sunday, May 19 at our regular meeting location she will lecture and present a trunk show of her work. She creates her patterns using code and also English Paper Piecing. She has designed multiple fabric collections for Andover Fabrics with more on the way. We are hosting a workshop with Libs on Saturday, May 18th at Thimbles. It is full, but we can add your name to the wait list. Please send an email to the guild’s email account and we notify you if a space opens up. Guests are welcome to attend the May 19 lecture/truck show, $10.00 guest fee.
June sew-in details will be announced in the May issue of the Full Bobbin.
Planning ahead in September 21-22 we welcome Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill of Whole Circle studios for a workshop and lecture/trunk show.
All meetings are 2-5 pm on the third Sunday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
This month’s meeting is on May 19, 2019
Meeting location:
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Centennial Room
520 S. Maple Ave Oak Park, Il 60304
A list of our meetings can be found here.
Not a member, but would like to be? Click the button below to join our Guild!
We hope to see you there!