August 2024 Meeting: Where Do YOU Sew?

October 4, 2024

President Carolyn Strug welcomed attendees. 


  • Carolyn Strug: Announced the dates for the fall and spring retreats and reminded members that fall retreat signups are open now.
  • Jenni Grover: Reminded everyone that this is our test of a hybrid meeting and that there will be a survey going out after.
  • Amy Struckmeyer: Announced the rest of the meetings for the year and introduced the Illinois Quilters Guild and their raffle quilt, displayed at the meeting.
  • Ellen Pomes: Invited everyone to peruse the guild library
  • Sam Luchsinger: Brought charity quilt kits and fabric and left on swap table


For our August meeting, Amy Ortega put together a fantastic presentation showcasing many of our sewing spaces, with help from Donna Moscinski. Thank you to everyone who uploaded photos of your sewing space set ups, fabric storage solutions, pressing and cutting stations, and more! It was inspiring to see so many different and distinctive creative spaces.

You can check out the entire slideshow with the speaker notes here

We also hosted a pouch swap with dozens of participants!

  • Show and Tell
  • Time for socializing

Become a new Chicago Modern Quilt Guild member

Photo: Triangles quilt by Erika Mulvenna